Meeting in 2003 of Jameson Cemetery
                          association.Field trip 2004 1899 photo2003 photo by JHJ of
                          19th century cabin near Jameson's Mill in
                          Spartanburg CountyWT Jameson

For information, call Michael Johnson (864-430-0733) or John Jameson (850-322-5636)

Family Descendant Lines

Original Settlement

Goals, Purpose, & History

News and Events

About Jameson Family Cemetery, Inc 


Donate to the Cemetery Preservation Fund

2009, 2012 GPR Survey
  2009-2012 GPR Survey and Landscaping Projects

This web site is established and maintained by Jameson Family Cemetery, Inc. as a service to the families and friends of the descendants of William Jameson Sr. (born December 17, 1737 in Ireland, died December 23, 1818) who immigrated to America about 1750.

Based on known records, we believe that William Jameson Sr. arrived in present-day Spartanburg County, near present-day Landrum, South Carolina, around 1760 and settled along, what came to be called, Jameson's Mill Creek, at the headwaters of Pacolet and Tyger rivers. The settlement site is also near two Revolutionary War engagements at Jameson's Station (aka Jameson's Fort, Old Fort Gowen). About 1790, he moved with his family to Pendleton District in present-day Pickens County, just north of present-day Easley, South Carolina. His only son, William Jameson Jr., with wife Rebecca Fowler, settled nearby and are buried in Jameson Cemetery. Descendants trace their ancestry from the eleven children of William Jameson Jr. and Rebecca Fowler.

Information on Family connections to 18th century settlement and the American Revolutionary War: John H. Jameson, Jr.'s 2013 PowerPoint presentation: "The Lesser Known Frontier Forts & Actions of Backcountry Militia in the Revolutionary War."


In Memoriam:

Larry Jameson

J. Hal Jameson, MD

JHJ - 20 February 2025
►Contact webmaster (John H. Jameson, Jr.) at email: